Monday, May 30, 2011

Oh my sister..

Your love is pure, your heart is true.
When it comes to respect, I think of you.
We had crazy fights but the love was infused
I love you my sister, one thing I truly do.

Your presence was a pain, but your absence made me cry.
You got married and I had to say good-bye.
Our room became mine, but the keys had your sign.
I love you my sister, we have had some crazy time.

You spoil me with gifts, you help me make good choice.
Whenever I think of shopping, your approval is what comes in my mind.
You have always been supportive, even when I was going through the worst time.
Oh sister, you are an angel, I am thankful to have you as mine.

Our scooty rides, Our wiper fights,
Our dancing bets, our complexion tests,
Makes me wonder, why were we always so restless.

I might get busy with my work, I might not call you everyday.
But oh my dear sister, I miss you every single day.
You have been the one, who always pushed me to win my gest.
Here I am, working hard to become what you have always dreamt.

Boss Is Always Right!

It's a stupid saying, that 'The Boss Is Always Right'. But friends, people who actually consider this statement stupid, can never find themselves happy at their workplace.

Every working person would have experienced that; something that your boss does at a certain point of time would not have been acceptable if you would have done. The other day, I was in a meeting where my Boss was reading and giggling over an article published in one of the magazine while we were discussing some work. Suddenly, I happen to get a call from a client, and taking that call was followed with a dirty look from my boss and an indication to hang up, as we were in the middle of a meeting. Now who wouldn't take a call when it’s your client?

When you hear the word 'Boss', do you think of a controlling officer at work? Mr. Controlling Officer likes to make a command and snap his fingers to get his work done in a jiffy. Did you say, 'boss I think…..'? The Boss says, 'when I want you to think, then I will tell you!' Ugh, do not go and pull a patch of your hair out because the boss is not always right but you need to be in the right place at the right time to prove otherwise. Boss is the one who makes or breaks your career. A good boss can take you to new heights whereas a bad one will only show you the regular course of the river that is deprived of an end.

People define BOSS as Born to Oppress and Sworn to Suppress. But in actual sense, he is the one who influences your working style. So follow the footsteps (if you feel he/she is worth following) but keep your eyes open because Corporate Manholes are meant for juniors and not for bosses. So play safe, because the 2 Rules of corporate world are......

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A cup of coffee

I am not a poet, but I will still try to rhyme..

U might find me flirtatious, but being one is not a crime...

You might meet thousands of people, but some remain in your life for a long time..

I may sound stupid, please pardon my crazy enzyme..

Here I am writing for you, because you managed to knock on the left side..

But next time when I ask you out for Coffee, YES should be the word on your hind-mind..